Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Why is MI being open still a secret?

The following was from a post on former Gubernatorial Candidate Patrick Colbeck's Facebook page.
Why is MI being open still a secret?
Speaker Lee Chatfield clearly stated during his recent appearance on Fox and Friends featuring my good friend Jodie Brown that the legislature did not extend Governor Whitmer's state of emergency. Without a state of emergency, there is no legal authority for her "stay at home" order. Despite this fact, Michigan media outlets continue to promote Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders as if they had the authority of the Ten Commandments. The truth of the matter is that they are null and void (See Michigan: Open or Not Open).
Then why is it that our Republican state senators and representatives have been so quiet regarding Michigan being open for business?
Based upon my experience serving in the MI Senate, I believe that the possible answers are as follows:

1) Judicial Strategy

It may be a strategy by Senate and House leadership to win favorable treatment by the judicial branch in light of authorized yet still pending court action by the legislature. Silence is seen as giving the judicial branch more room to maneuver regarding their ruling. In fact, it is likely that members of each chamber have been instructed not to share their opinions in public and ensure that all of their communications with constituents follow a carefully scripted party line talking point memo.

2) Complicit with Governor

Senate and House leadership do not wish for Michigan to be open for business. In fact, both chambers have released re-opening plans which fail to recognize an appreciation for our salient constitutional rights (Please refer to my previous analysis of Senate Leadership’s Open MI Safely Plan and House Leadership’s Comeback Roadmap). Both plans are in fact more in line with Governor Whitmer's Executive Orders than our Constitution. Delays in taking legal action until May 15th or later would give the Governor passive approval of her actions while putting on a public show of opposing her actions.

3) Fear

They fear opening our state and being blamed by the Governor and her media allies for every running nose that occurs once they declare MI to be open. They may simply be listening to legal counsel that tells them what they want to hear.
It could be a mix of all of the above.


The bottom line is that Governor Whitmer has no statutory authority to support her current Executive Orders that extend her Stay at Home policy until May 15th or her likely extension to May 28th.
MI is Open for Business TODAY.
It is YOUR choice whether or not to remain at home or get back to work. Don't fall for divide and conquer tactics in government denies rights to some of us while extending them to others. We are ALL essential and endowed by our Creator with the same inalienable rights.
The defense of these rights is not without risk. It never has been. It never will be.
Too many Americans have died to secure these rights for them to be as callously discarded as they have been to date.
Time to choose between freedom and tyranny.
I choose FREEDOM!

Why is MI being open still a secret?

The following was from a post on former Gubernatorial Candidate Patrick Colbeck's Facebook page. Why is MI being open still a ...